Canine Good Citizen
Blue Barn Ranch 3070 Yucca Mesa Rd, Yucca Valley, CA, United States12:00pm AKC Canine Good Citizen Skills Class (fundraiser J.T. No Kill Shelter) 1:00pm AKC Canine Good Citizen Test
AKC Fit Dog Walk
AKC Fit Dog Walk 3070 Yucca Mesa Rd, Yucca Valley, CA, United StatesRattle Snake Aversion Training
Before You Arrive:Â Register for an Appointment. All dogs must be 6 months of age or older to participate. Contact Kathi @Blue Barn Ranch to reserve your training. Due At Registration:…
AKC Fit Dog Walk
AKC Fit Dog Walk 3070 Yucca Mesa Rd, Yucca Valley, CA, United StatesGroup Basic Obedience Class
Group basic obedience is a series of five one hour classes. They begin in the Training Yard, progress around the Ranch and then onto the Equestrian Path (approximately 1 mile)…
Group Basic Obedience Class
Group basic obedience is a series of five one hour classes. They begin in the Training Yard, progress around the Ranch and then onto the Equestrian Path (approximately 1 mile)…
Group Basic Obedience Class
Group basic obedience is a series of five one hour classes. They begin in the Training Yard, progress around the Ranch and then onto the Equestrian Path (approximately 1 mile)…
Group Basic Obedience Class
Group basic obedience is a series of five one hour classes. They begin in the Training Yard, progress around the Ranch and then onto the Equestrian Path (approximately 1 mile)…
Group Basic Obedience Class
Group basic obedience is a series of five one hour classes. They begin in the Training Yard, progress around the Ranch and then onto the Equestrian Path (approximately 1 mile)…