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Event Series Event Series: Group Basic Obedience Class

Group Basic Obedience Class

March 30 @ 10:45 AM - April 27 @ 11:45 AM

Group basic obedience is a series of five one hour classes. They begin in the Training Yard, progress around the Ranch and then onto the Equestrian Path (approximately 1 mile) for the fifth session. We work on sit, down, heel, stay, recall and focus exercises.
Class size will be limited. A maximum of two adult handlers per dog please.
Vaccination status showing current on rabies, combination shot and Bordetella must be presented at the first session via phone or hard copy. Group is for dogs that are comfortable around people and other dogs. No excessive fear, no aggression and no leash reactivity.
We meet in the Training Yard, please do not arrive more than 10 minutes early as it impacts private sessions. Dogs are always on leash. Please do not allow dogs to greet other dogs on leash or to jump on people.
A five to six foot walking leash is recommended, as is a treat pouch with small, soft high value treats. Blue Barn Ranch does not limit tools. We will discuss training collars and have demonstrations at the first session.
Group classes are outside, please dress accordingly. The cost is $175.00 per dog for the series. That is due at the first session, we take cash, checks and PayPal only. Group classes are not transferrable, please make sure that you can attend all five sessions as they are progressive.
You must call or text to register: 760.965.6019


March 30 @ 10:45 AM
April 27 @ 11:45 AM


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